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Edit the level and grade data for a group of students at once
Edit the level and grade data for a group of students at once
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Written by Technical Support
Updated over 7 months ago

- To edit the level and grade data for a group of students at once

2. Click on Students.

3. To quickly modify level/stage data for many names, the school can increase the number of names displayed on the page. The display of the number of student names on each page is controlled by clicking on the number of names on each page.

4. Search for the grade from which you want to update - edit - student data to another grade. Please make sure to start by editing the upper grade and then the grade that precedes them, to avoid mixing data during the update/edit.

Example: We will update the Sixth grade

- Update Student data.

5. Click on Search tap, then write Sixth grade.

6. Select all student.

7. Click on additional options.

⚠Note: If the school is only elementary you can choose to delete sixth grade students.

8.Click on Update level/grade.

9. Choose level/grade (Mid School- Seventh grade).

10.Click on Confirm.

11. A notification will appear stating that the data update process was successful.

⚠Note: Parents will receive immediate notification updating student data

Then, the data of the fifth grade is modified to the sixth grade, and so on, all the way up to the first grade to become the second grade. Finally, the new data is added for the newly joined first-grade students.

Thus, the same steps are applied to the rest of the level and grade.

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