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Setting school hours
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Written by Technical Support
Updated over 9 months ago

The school can edit school hours through the web according to the level and days of the week and control the times as follows:

The attendance time opens at the beginning of the new day and you don't need to set it, so you can start directly by setting the late time approved in your school.

- Lateness time.

Before this time arrives, any student who passes through the smart gates will have his attendance recorded. The parents' app will receive an immediate notification stating that attendance has been registered. However, after this time has arrived, any student who passes through the smart gates will have lateness automatically recorded. An immediate notification will arrive to the parent's app indicating that the lateness has been recorded ( Currently, two notifications reminding of the imminent late time arrive, one hour and half an hour before the time, depending on the earliest time entered, meaning if two different times are specified for the late, the notification at the earliest time will arrive.

- Absence time

It is when the school stops receiving students in the morning and the names of those absent are usually tallied (currently, sending absence notices to the parents' app has been stopped, but documentation of an absence from the school building is still recorded in the reports).

- Dismissal time

It is the time when the school allows parents and drivers to call and it appears in the parents' app when updated by the school. You can also know the dismissal time and receive a reminder notification about the dismissal time for parents and drivers.

To set the time

2. Click on School Profile.

3. Click on Time Settings.

4. The default time is set for all days of the week and grade levels.

⚠Note: If the working hours are fixed for all days of the week, you can leave the option as it is and modify the times directly by writing in the boxes designated for each time or by clicking on the arrows in each box, knowing that the time used is the 24-hour system.

5. When there is a difference in school hours

  • If the time differs in level and grade, click on Customize timings for a new group.

  • Select level, grade, and section.

  • If the time differs on weekdays, click on Customize more timings for this group per day.

  • Choose days and set times.

⚠Note: When you choose a repeating day, meaning that you have previously specified another time for it, a message will appear to you stating that it will be repeated, and when you confirm, the repetition will be deleted and the new time that was chosen will be adopted.

6. You can delete a day by clicking on X.

7. You can also delete the new group by clicking the delete icon.

8. Click on Save.

9. A message will appear to confirm setting the lateness time, click on Yes.

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